I heard that Missouri's own Senator Kit Bond was hopping mad at the insurance giant, AIG, as well as at the new Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner. Why? Because AIG, right after being handed billions of our grandchildren's money, doled out $1 million bonuses to their executives.
I'm not sure, but it appears that all 100 US Senators are fighting mad at AIG, and all of the Republicans and even some Democrats are calling for the head of the Treasury Secretary. Now, don't get me wrong - I weep not a tear for any AIG executives, and certainly not for our Secretary of the Treasury, but I find the outrage of Senator Bond, and all of the blustering Congressmen and Senators, to be infuriatingly disingenuous and hypocritical.
Most of these Senators, including Senator Bond, voted to fork over our hard-earned money to AIG and many other incompetent but well-connected companies, and went into wordy diatribes defending their odious actions at the time. Now, they pretend to not know that AIG is a corrupt and incompetent institution, and they are now busily working to craft more unconstitutional legislation to make things even worse, economically.
Why did Congress and the new Regime think there was no moral hazard in handing over billions of dollars to a company like AIG? How has this company proven itself deserving of survival? They don't call it an economic correction for nothing, after all.
AIG, who several years ago refused to drop the newly married daughter of a friend of mine from his insurance policy because he "could not prove she was insured elsewhere" had already made contractual agreements with these executives to give them these bonuses. What business does Congress and the new Regime have in deciding how this company (not to mention all the others that will be impacted by their newest hysterical legislation) should spend it's new-found money? Why don't they drop the charade, and just completely take over the businesses of this country? What would these politicians rather AIG had done with the money? These executives were some of the many people to whom the company owed billions of dollars - that's why they were going under in the first place!
I liken our outraged "representatives" toward AIG executives to a bunch of thugs that have invaded our homes, beaten us severely, and taken all of our money, then given it to a hoodlum down the street to whom they owe the money. Then, when the hoodlum spends the money on a luxury car, the thugs howl in outrage and expect us to direct our anger at the hoodlum for how he spent our money, and not on the thugs for violating us. I hope the victims (the American people) will not fall for such outrageous manipulation, and misdirect their anger.
The slouch towards socialism, heartlessness, and cultural decline will only worsen until Americans, one by one, get out of their sports-mentality in politics, stop considering themselves Republicans or Democrats, and reject the socialism, anti-capitalism, and unconstitutionality of both parties. As it is, half the country supports it when Bush does it, then start throwing a fit when Obama does it, while the other half rave and wring their hands at the policies of the Bush Regime, then defend tooth-and-nail the same policies when advocated by Obama. Meanwhile, we all forget what our Senators and Congressmen said yesterday, and don't recognize them for the hypocrites they are today!
We had better wake up - the sooner the better!
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